Traditions From Al Bayan Fee Akhbaris Sahebaz Zaman

This is a source book of the Ahle Sunnah written by Mohammed Yusuf Ganji Shafaei. The book has 25 chapter on various topics concerning Imam Mahdi (as).

Topics covered in Al Bayan

Chapter 1: Those traditions which give glad tidings of the reappearance of Imam (as) in the last days. In which he refers to ‘Ismohu Ismee’ (His name will be my name) and rejects the second part ‘Ismo Abeehe Ismo Abee’ (His father’s name will be mu father’s name). Also gives from Sahih Tirmidhi and Sunan Abi Dawood, the tradition of, “If there remains only one day from this world, Allah (swt) will prolong that day to such an extent that Allah (swt) will raise a man from my progeny whose name will be similar to that of my name and he will fill the earth with justice and equity.”

Chapter 2: The traditions of Holy Prophet (sawa) in which he said Mahdi will be from my progeny and will be the son of Fatemah (sa)

Chapter 3: Mahdi is the leader of the people of Heaven.

Chapter 4: Holy Prophet (sawa) ordered people to pay allegiance to Imam Mahdi (as).

Chapter 5: The people of the East will help Imam Mahdi (as)

Chapter 6: About the kingdom of Imam Mahdi (as)

Chapter 7: Imam Mahdi (as) will pray with Hazrat Isa (as)

Chapter 8: The physical characteristics of Imam Mahdi (as)

Chapter 9: Imam Mahdi (as) will be from the progeny of Imam Husain (as)

Chapter 10: Blessings of Imam Mahdi (as)

Chapter 11: Rejecting the tradition: “There is no Mahdi but Isa”

Chapter 12: About the traditions of Holy Prophet (sawa) that, “the nation will not be perished in the beginning of which I am there, end of it … is there and middle of it … is there.”

Chapter 13: About the Kuniyat (agnomen) of Imam Mahdi (as) and the morals of Imam Mahdi (as) will be the same as the Holy Prophet (sawa)

Chapter 14: Discussion about the nation from which Imam Mahdi (as) will come

Chapter 15: Discussion about the cloud which will be on Hazrat Mahdi (as)

Chapter 16: That angel who will come with Imam (as)

Chapter 17: About the colour, the attributes and physical description of Imam Mahdi (as)

Chapter 18: About the mole on Imam Mahdi’s (as) cheek, his clothes and his victory in the cities of the disbelievers

Chapter 19: About the teeth of Imam Mahdi (as)

Chapter 20: Conquering of … and Dailam

Chapter 21: Abolishment of the governments of unjust people by Imam Mahdi (as)

Chapter 22: Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “Mahdi will be Imam of pious people.”

Chapter 23: At the time of Hazrat Mahdi (as), earth will be full of treasures

Chapter 24: Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “Mahdi will be the caliph of Allah.”

Chapter 25: Mahdi is alive till now from the starting of Ghaybat

  • Proof of his existence from Quran and Traditions
  • Proof of his existence as Hazrat Khizr and Hazrat Ilyas are existing
  • Proof of his existence as Dajjal is existing
  • Proof of his existence as Iblis is existing
  • Replies to doubts about longevity of Imam Mahdi (as)
  • The traditions of long life of Imam Mahdi (as)
  • Logical proofs of existence of Imam Mahdi(as)
  • Logical proofs of giving Hazrat Mahdi (as), Hazrat Isa and Dajjal long life

Some traditions from Al Bayan

Ali Hilali narrates from his father – “When I went to see Holy Prophet (sawa), he was on his deathbed. I saw that Hazrat Fatemah (sa) was beside his bed and was crying loudly. Holy Prophet (sawa) asked Hazrat Fatemah (sa), “Oh my beloved! Why are you crying?” She replied, “I am crying because I will lose you.” The Holy Prophet (sawa) said to her: O Fatemah! We Ahle Bayt have been bestowed with 7 characteristics with which no one was bestowed before us and no one will be bestowed after us.

I am the last of prophet and the best of creation in front of Allah. My successor is the best of all successors and the most beloved one of Allah and he is your husband. Our martyr is the best of all martyrs and beloved of Allah and he is Hamza Ibne Abdul Muttalib, the uncle of your father and the uncle of your husband. And from us is the one who is bestowed with two wings with which he flies wherever he wills with the angels in Paradise and he is the son of the uncle of your father and the brother of your husband and from us are the chiefs of this nation and they are your sons, Hasan and Husain and they are the chiefs of the youth of Paradise and their father is better than both of them. Oh Fatemah! By the one who raised me, surely from them is the Mahdi for this nation.” (Al Bayan, chapter 1, page 90)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “this world will not come to an end until a man will rule the Arabs whose name will be similar to my name.” (Al Bayan, chapter 1 page 91)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, if there remains only a single day from the Hour (Qiyamat), Allah will raise a man from my Ahlul Bayt who will fill the world with justice as it will be filled with tyranny.” (Al Bayan, chapter 1, page 93)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “O Fatemah! Our prophet is the best of all prophets and he is your father. Our martyr is the best of all martyrs and he is uncle of your father (Hamza). From us is the one who has two wings with which he flies anywhere in paradise and he is the son of your uncle (Jafar) and from us are the chiefs of this nation, Hasan and Husain, and they are your sons and from us is the Mahdi.” (Al Bayan, chapter 2 page 98)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “Mahdi is from my progeny and from the sons of Fatemah.” (Al Bayan, chapter 2 page 99)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “Mahdi is from us Ahlul Bayt. Allah will set his affairs in one night.” (Al Bayan, chapter 2 page 100)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, We, the sons of Abdul Muttalib are the chiefs of people of paradise and they are I, Hamza, Ali, Jafar, Hasan, Husain and the Mahdi. (Al Bayan, chapter 3 page 101)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, If you see the Mahdi, then pay allegiance (do bayat) to him even if you have to crawl on ice because he is the caliph of Allah. (Al Bayan, chapter 4 page 103)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, A group of people will come from the east and will prepare the ground for the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as). (Al Bayan, chapter 5 page 105)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, The Mahdi is in my nation. He will live for 5, 7 or 9 years. A man will come and ask him: “Give me something”. The Mahdi will give him so much that he will not be able to carry it. (Al Bayan, chapter 6 page 107)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, a severe calamity will befall the people. Then Allah will raise from my progeny (from my Ahlul Bayt) a man who will fill the earth with equity and justice just as it would be filled with tyranny. Dwellers of heaven and earth will love him. Heaven will send down rain and the earth will give out (throw) its vegetation. He will live for 7 years. (Al Bayan, chapter 6 page 108)

Hazrat Ali (as) said, Imam Mahdi will rule for 40 years. (Al Bayan, chapter 6 page 111)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, How it would be when the son of Maryan (Isa ibne Maryam) will descend and your Imam would be from among you? (Al Bayan, chapter 7 page No 112)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, Isa ibne Maryam will descend and the chief of that nation (Imam Mahdi) will say to him: Please come ahead and lead the prayer for us. Hazrat Isa (as) will reply, No! You are leader for others. (Al Bayan, chapter 7 page No 113)

 Note : This tradition is also narrated in Sahih Muslim in the same way as it has been narrated in this book. According to this tradition, the belief of most of the people that the Imam in the previous tradition refers to the book of Allah (Holy Quran) is incorrect as it can be concluded from the present tradition that Hazrat Isa (as) will prefer the chief of Muslims to lead the prayer and he would be Imam Mahdi (as).

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, The Mahdi is from me. (He has) a broad forehead, prominent nose and will fill the earth with equity and justice as it will be filled with injustice. He will rule for 7 years. (Al Bayan chapter 8 page 117)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, Mahdi is the peacock of paradise. (Al Bayan chapter 8 page 118)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, The Mahdi is from my progeny. His face is like the full moon, his colour is that of the Arabs, his body is like those of (Bani) Israel. He will fill the earth with justice as it will be filled with injustice. The dwellers of the skies and the earth will be happy with his kingdom. He will rule for 20 years. (Al Bayan, chapter 8 page 118)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, O Fatemah! Our prophet is the best of all prophets and he is your father. Our successor is the best of all successors and he is your husband. Our martyr is the best of all martyrs and he is Hamza, the uncle of your father. Our chiefs are the best of all chiefs and they are your sons, Hasan and Husain. From us is the Mahdi for this nation behind whom Isa will pray. Then the Holy Prophet (sawa) placed his hand on Imam Husain (as) and said, He will be from the progeny of Husain. (Al Bayan, chapter 9 page 120)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, I give good news to you about Mahdi who will remove the disputes amongst the people and fill the earth with equity and justice as it would be filled with oppression and injustice. Dwellers of the heavens and the earth would be happy with him. (Al Bayan, chapter 10 page 123)

Hazrat Ali (as) said, I asked the Holy Prophet(sawa), Mahdi is from us or from another? The Holy Prophet (sawa) replied, he is from us. (Al Bayan chapter 11 page 125)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “If there remains a single day from this world, Allah will lengthen that day so such an extent till a man from my Ahlul Bayt appears whose name will be similar to that of my name. He will fill the earth with equity and justice as it would be filled with injustice. Allah will enliven His religion through him and will give him victory and there would not remain anybody in this world except that they would witness “There is no God except Allah”. Salman asked: Mahdi is from whose progeny? The Holy Prophet (sawa) replied, Mahdi is from the progeny of Husain. (Ref: Al Bayan, chapter 13 page 129)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, When Imam Mahdi will reappear, there will be a cloud over his head and an angel will proclaim, This is Mahdi, the Caliph of Allah. Then, you all follow him. (Al Bayan chapter 15 page 132)

Hazrat Ali (as) said, When an angel will announce from the heaven that truth is with Aal-e-Mohammed (the progeny of Mohd), the Mahdi will reappear. (Al Bayan, chapter 16 page 134)

Hazrat Ali (as) said, Imam Mahdi (as) has a thick beard, crude eyes, bright chisel-teeth and a bright mole on the right cheek. He has the sign of prophethood on his shoulder and a flag which has not been fluttered since the death of the Holy Prophet (sawa) and it will be fluttered at the time of reappearance of Imam Mahdi (AS). Allah will help him through 3,000 angels who will assist  him against his enemies. (Al Bayan, chapter 19 page 140)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, the Hour (Qiyamat) will not be established until a man from my progeny (Ahlul Bayt) will rule and conquer Constantinople. If a single day remains of this world, Allah will prolong that day to such an extent that he would conquer it. (Al Bayan, chapter 20 page 141)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, Mahdi is from my Ahlul Bayt. He will reappear and fill the world with justice and equity just as it will be filled with injustice and tyranny. (Al Bayan, chapter 21 page 143)

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, My nation will enjoy such bounties at the time of Imam Mahdi (as) that no nation would have enjoyed. Heaven will pour down water and the earth will throw up all its vegetation and treasures. A person will come and ask, O Mahdi give me something. He would be given so much that he would not be able to carry it. (Al Bayan, chapter 23 page 145)

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