Mahdi is from the sons of Abdul Muttalib (as)

Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “We are the sons of Abdul Muttalib, dwellers of paradise – I, Hamzah, Ali, Jafar, Hasan, Husain, Mahdi.” (Al Bayan Fi Akhbare Sahebuz Zaman, page 98, chapter 3: Mahdi is from the Saadat of Ahle Jannat)

Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “We seven are from the sons of Abdul Muttalib. (We are) Ahle Jannat –  I, Hamza, Ali, Jafar, Hasan, Husain and Mahdi.” (Al Haawi Lil Faqawi by Jalaluddin Abdur Rahman bin Abi Bakr bin Mohammed Suyuti, vol 2)

Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “The Hour (Qiyamat) will not be established until this world will be filled with injustice and tyranny. Then a man will reappear from my progeny or from my Ahlul Bayt and will fill the world with equity and justice as it would be filled with injustice and enmity.” (Mawaared-uz-Zamane Ela Zawaed Ibne Hibbaan Bu Hafiz Nooruddin Ali Ibne Abi Bakr, chapter 221 Maa Jaa Fi Mahdi, tradition 1880)

Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “Al Mahdi is from my progeny. His face is like the full moon and his colour is like Israeli and he will fill the world with justice as it would be filled with tyranny. Dwellers of the heaven and the world would be happy with him. He will rule for 10 years.” (Al Fusoolul Mohimmah Fi Marefat Ahwalul Aimmah wa Fazlohum by Nooruddin Ali Ibne Mohd Ibne Ahmed Al Maroof)

Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “Mahdi is from me. He has a broad forehead and protracted nose. He will fill the world with equity and justice as it would be filled with injustice and tyranny. He will rule for 7 years.” (Al Haawi lil Faqawi By Jalaluddin Abdur Rahman bin Abi Bakr bin Mohd Suyuti, volume 2)

Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “Mahdi is from my progeny, from the sons of Fatemah (sa).” (Kanzul Ummal by Shaikhul Imam Alauddin Ali Bin Hisaamuddin ibne Abdul Malik Ibne Qazie Khan chapter Khuroojil Mahdi, tradition 38662)

Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “Al Mahdi is from my progeny from the sons of Fatemah.” (Faizul Qadeer Sharhe Jaame-us-Sageer by Mohd Abdur Rauf Bin Taajul Aarfeen ibn Ali ibne Zainul Abedeen, volume 6 tradition 9241)

Holy Prophet (sawa) said, “A severe calamity will befall upon the people. Then Allah will raise a man form my progeny, from Ahlul Bayt who will fill the earth with equity and justice just as it would be filled with tyranny. The dwellers of heaven and earth will love him. Heaven will send down rain and earth will give out (throw) its vegetation. He will live for 7 years.” (Eqdud Durrar Fi Akhbar al Muntazar, tradition no 6)

Read more about Imam Mahdi in the Ahle Sunnah

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