Birth of Imam Mahdi (as) as per the Ahle Sunnah

Some Muslim groups allege that the belief in Imam Mahdi (as) is an invention of the Shiahs and that there is no mention of him or his birth in the Sunnah or Islamic history. This is a false allegation. Through this article, we will conclusively prove that the belief in Imam Mahdi (as) is very much an inseparable part of Islamic belief and not just of Shiite ideology. The most renowned scholars, historians and reporters of traditions have documented Imam Mahdi’s (as) birth, in addition to other aspects of his life, occultation and reappearance.

Reports on Imam Mahdi’s (as) birth are widely documented by many scholars of the Ahle Sunnah. For details readers can read ‘Why The Ahle Sunnah Deny The Birth of Imam Mahdi (as)’ This article answers the above question and also proves reference of some historians who reported the birth of Imam Mahdi (as)For the sake of concluding this doubt, here are some more references.

100 Scholars of Ahle Sunnah Who Reported Birth of Imam Mahdi (as)

Allamah Shams al-Deen Qazi Ibne Khallekaan al-Shafaei (exp. 681 AH)

Abul Qasim MHMD Ibne al-Hasan al-Askari Ibne Ali al-Hadi Ibne Mohammed al-Jawad is the 12th Imam of the Imamiyyah (Shiahs) and is famous as al-Hujjah…he was born on Friday in mid-Shabaan in the year 255 AH When his father died (i.e. martyred), he was five years old.’ (Wafayaat al-A’yaan volume 4, page 176)

Allamah Salaah al-Deen Khaleel Ibne Aibak Safdi

‘Al-Hujjah al-Muntazar MHMD Ibne Al-Hasan al-Askari Ibne Ali al-Hadi Ibne Mohammed al-Jawad Ibne Ali al-Reza Ibne Musa al-Kazim Ibne Jafar al-Sadiq Ibne Mohammed al-Baqir Ibne Zain al-Aabedeen Ali Ibne al-Husain Ibne Ali Ibne Abi Talib – may Allah be satisfied with them – Al-Hujjah al-Muntazar is the 12th Imam of the Shiites. He is the one considered by the Shiahs as the Awaited One, the Qaem, the Mahdi…he was born in mid-Shabaan in 255 AH’ (Al-Waafi bil Wafayaat volume 2, page 336)

Ibne Atheer al-Jazari (exp. 630 AH)

He documents the events of 260 AH thus: ‘And in this year Abu Mohammed Al-Alawi al-Askari died (i.e. martyred); he was among the 12 Imams of the Imamiyyah sect and he was the father of MHMD, the one whom they (Shiahs) consider to be the Awaited One, in the cellar of Samarra…’ (Al-Kaamil fi al-Taarikh volume 4, page 454)

Mir Khwand

‘The birth of Imam Mahdi, named after the Prophet (sawa) and titled with the same agnomen, took place in Samarrah in the night of mid-Shabaan in 255 AH He was five years old at the time of his father’s demise (martyrdom). He was granted wisdom in infancy just like Yahya (as) and was granted Imamate while still an infant, like Isa (as) was granted Prophethood (in infancy).’ (Rauzah al-Safaa volume 3, page 59)

Abu al-Fida Ismail Ibne Ali Shafaei

He documents the events of 254 AH thus, ‘and al-Hasan al-Askari (as) is the father of MHMD al-Muntazar, Saheb al-Sardaab and M-H-M-D al-Muntazar is the 12th Imam according to the Imamiyyah and it is said about him that he is al-Qaem, al-Mahdi, al-Hujjah…’ (Taarikh Abu al-Fida volume 1, page 361)

Allamah Mohammed Farid Wajdi

‘Abul Qasim MHMD Ibne al-Hasan al-Askari Ibne Ali al-Hadi (as)…is the 12th Imam of the Imamiyyah, famous as al-Hujjah…(Daairah al-Maarif volume 6, page 239)

Sibt Ibne Jawzi (exp. 654 AH)

In the chapter related to Imam Mahdi (as) he reports: ‘M-H-M-D Ibne al-Hasan Ibne Ali Ibne Mohammed…(as); his agnomen is Abu Abdillah and Abul Qasim and he is al-Khalaf, al-Hujjah, Saheb al-Zamaan, al-Qaem, al-Muntazar…’ (Tazkerah al-Khawaas page 377)

Mohammed Ibne Talha Shafaei (exp. 652 AH)

Regarding Imam Mahdi’s (as) condition he says: ‘M-H-M-D Ibne al-Hasan al-Khaalis Ibne Ali Ibne Mohammed…(as), then as for his son he was (born) in Samarrah…and his agnomen is Abul Qasim and his titles include al-Hujjah, al-Khalaf al-Saleh; he is also called al-Muntazar.’ (Mataalibul So’al fi Manaaqeb Aale Rasool (as) volume 2, chapter 12, pages 152-153)

Shams al-Deen Mohammed Ibne Toloon Hanafi

‘And the 12th one of them is his son – M-H-M-D Ibne Hasan (as) and he is Abul Qasim…he was born on Friday in mid-Shabaan in 255 AH At the time of his father’s demise (martyrdom), he was five years old.’ (Al-Shazaraat al-Zahabiyya pages 117-118)

Mirza Mohammed Ibne Rustom Shafaei

While recording the life of Imam Hasan Askari (as) he writes: ‘…and he did not leave behind a son except MHMD al-Muntazar…’ (Miftaah al-Najaah page 104)

Ahmed Ibne Hajar al-Haithami al-Shafaei (exp. 974 AH)

After narrating about Imam Hasan Askari (as), he records: ’…and he did not leave behind any successor save his son Abul Qasim Mohammed al-Hujjah (as) and his age at the time of his father’s demise (martyrdom)  was five years, but Allah granted him wisdom (in infancy) and he was named al-Qaem, al-Muntazar.’ (Al-Sawaaiq al-Muhriqah page 208)

Muhyiddeen Ibne Arabi (exp. 635 AH)

‘And know that Mahdi’s (as) advent is inevitable, however he won’t rise until the world is filled with oppression and injustice; then he will fill it with equity and justice…and he is from the progeny of the Prophet (sawa), from the sons of Fatemah (sa), Husain Ibne Ali Ibne Abi Talib (as) is his forefather, his father is Hasan al-Askari Ibne Imam Ali al-Naqi (as)…his name coincides with that of the Prophet (sawa). The Muslims will give him allegiance between Rukn and Maqaam.’ (Al-Futuhaat al-Makkiyyah chapter 366)

Mo’min Ibne al-Hasan al-Shablanji

‘Abu Mohammed al-Hasan Ibne Ali (as) passed away (due to poisoning) on Friday on 8th Rabi al-Awwal 260 AH He was succeeded by his son M-H-M-D… his mother was a slave (princess), she was called Narjis…and his agnomen is Abul Qasim and the Imamiyyah have given him titles like al-Hujjah, al-Mahdi, Khalaf al-Saleh, al-Qaem, al-Muntazar, Saheb al-Zamaan and the most popular one is al-Mahdi.’ (Noorul Absaar pages 321-322)

Abu al-Waleed Mohammed Ibne al-Shahnah Hanafi (exp. 815 AH)

‘Al-Hasan (al-Askari) (as) gave birth to a son al-Muntazar (as) – the 12th Imam, he is called al-Mahdi, al-Qaem, al-Hujjah, he was born in 255 AH’ (Rauzah al-Manazer in the margins of Morujuz Zahab  volume 1, page 292)

Ibne Khaldun Maghrebi (exp. 808 AH)

‘And caliphate continued from Jafar (as) (al-Sadiq) to his son Musa  al-Kazim (as) to his son Ali (as) and this link ended in the 12th Imam M-H-M-D al-Mahdi.’ (Tarikh Ibne Khaldun volume 3, page 361)

Abu al-Fath Mohammed Ibne Abd al-Karim al-Shahrastaani (exp. 548 AH)

‘And after him was his son MHMD al-Qaem, al-Muntazar, who was born in Samarra and he is the 12th Imam according to the Imamiyyah of our era.’ (Kitab al-Milal wa al-Nihal)

Noor al-Deen Ibne Sabbaagh al-Maaliki (exp 855 AH)

‘Abul Qasim, MHMD al-Hujjah, al-Khalaf al-Saleh, Ibne Abi Mohammed al-Hasan al-Khaalis and he is the 12th Imam’ he then goes on to narrate details about Imam’s (as) birth and Imamate. (Fusoolul Mohimmah page 273)

Mohammed Ibne Mahmood famous as Khwaja Parsa

‘From the Imams of the impeccable Ahle Bait (as) is Abu Mohammed al-Hasan al-Askari (as)…he did not leave behind any son except Abul Qasim M-H-M-D al-Muntazar named al-Qaem, al-Hujjah, al-Mahdi, Saheb al-Zamaan and he is the last of the 12 Imams (as) according to the Imamiyyah. And he was born on the eve of 15th Shabaan in 255 AH (Mirqaat al-Mafaatih Fi Sharh Mishkaat al-Masaabih volume 10, page 336)

Fazl Ibne Roozbahaan

He sends greetings and salutations on each Imam from the progeny of the Prophet (sawa) and for Imam Mahdi (as) he writes: ‘Peace be on al-Qaem al-Muntazar Abul Qasim.’ (Dalaail al-Sidq volume 2, page 370)

Jamal al-Deen Mohammed Ibne Yusuf al-Zarandi al-Hanafi

‘The 12th Imam has been blessed with well-known and extraordinary feats. His stature is very high with respect to knowledge and truth. He is raised with the truth (al-Qaem bil Haqq) and calls towards it…he was born as reported by the Shiahs on Friday in mid-Shabaan in 255 AH in Samarrah during the reign of Mutamid (Abbasi) and his mother is (the princess) Narjis – the daughter of the Emperor Caesar of Rome…’ (Meraj al-Wusool ila Marefah Fazle Aale Rasool (as))

Qazi Bohlool Bahjat Aafandi

‘He was born on 15th Shabaan 255 AH and his mother’s name was Narjis (sa); there were two periods of occultation for him – the minor and the major – for his safety. He will reappear with Allah’s permission and will fill the earth with equity and justice…’ (Al-Muhaakamah fi Tarikh Aale Mohammed (as))

Hafiz Mohammed Ibne Yusuf Ghanji Shafaei (exp. 658 AH)

In the 25th chapter of his book, he writes regarding Imam Mahdi’s (as) prolonged life – ‘his long life is not usual as also the (continued) long life of Isa (as), Ilyas (as), Khizr (as) from Allah’s friends and the (continued) long life of Iblis and Dajjal – may Allah curse them – from Allah’s enemies…’ (Al Bayan Fee Akhbaris Sahebaz Zaman page 148)

Ahmed Amin al-Misri

He acknowledges Imam Mahdi’s (as) birth and that he is the son of Imam Hasan Askari (as). (Zoha al-Islam volume 3, pages 210-212)

Shaykh Husain Ibne Mohammed Diyaar Bakri al-Maaliki (exp. 966 AH)

‘The 12th Imam MHMD Ibne al-Hasan Ibne Ali Ibne Mohammed Ibne Ali al-Reza (as) has the agnomen of Abul Qasim and the Imamiyyah refer to him with the titles of al-Hujjah, al-Qaem, al-Mahdi, al-Muntazar, Saheb al-Zamaan and he is the 12th and last one according to them…’ (Tarikh al-Khamees page 288)

Shams al-Deen al-Zahabi al-Shafaei (exp. 747 AH)

‘MHMD Ibne al-Hasan al-Askari Ibne Ali al-Hadi Ibne Mohammed al-Jawad Ibne Ali al-Reza Ibne Musa al-Kazim Ibne Jafar al-Sadiq al-Alawi al-Husaini – Abul Qasim (as) the one referred to by the Rafidhis (Shiahs) as al-Khalaf, al-Hujjah and titles al-Mahdi, al-Muntazar, Saheb al-Zamaan and he is the last of the 12 Imams.’ (Al-Ebar fi al-Khabar man Ghabar volume 1, page 381)

‘And as for his son M-H-M-D Ibne Hasan the one referred to by the Rafidhi as al-Qaem…’ (Tarikh al-Islam p. 113 under the events of the years 251-260 AH)

‘Al-Muntazar al-Sharif Abu al-Qasim M-H-M-D Ibne al-Hasan al-Askari…last of the 12 chiefs.’ (Seyaro A’laam al-Nubala volume 13, page 119)

Fakhre Raazi Shafaei (exp. 604 AH)

About Imam Hasan Askari (as) he writes: ‘As for Imam al-Hasan al-Askari (as) he had two sons and two daughters…as for his sons, one of them was Saheb al-Zamaan – may Allah hasten his reappearance. Many historians have recorded reports proving the birth of al-Hujjah Abu al-Qasim – from the lineage of his father Hasan Askari (as) and his mother Sayyedah Narjis (sa) in the year 252 AH or 255 AH or 259 AH Although there is debate about the (actual) date, according to the Shiahs it is in the night of mid-Shabaan 255 AH’ (Al-Shajarah al-Mubaarakah page 78-79)

Allamah Sayyed Mohammed Ibne al-Husain al-Samarqandi (exp. 996 AH)

‘As for his son – M-H-M-D al-Mahdi, he is the 12th Imam. He was born on Friday in mid-Shabaan in 255 AH His agnomen is Abu al-Qasim and his titles are al-Qaem, al-Hujjah, al-Khalaf, al-Saleh, al-Muntazar and the most popular one is al-Mahdi. His age at his father’s demise (martyrdom) was five years.’ (Tuhfah al-Talib bi Marifah man Yuntasabo ilaa Abdillah (as) wa Abi Talib (as) pages 54-55)

Abdullah Ibne Mohammed Ibne Aamir al-Shabraawi al-Shafaei (exp. 1171 AH)

‘The 12th Imam is Abul Qasim M-H-M-D Ibne al-Hujjah al-Imam. It is said – he is the Mahdi, the Awaited One. MHMD al-Hujjah Ibne Imam al-Hasan al-Khaalis (as) was born in Samarra on the eve of mid-Shabaan 255 AH At his father’s demise (martyrdom) he was five years old. His father feared for his safety and concealed his birth due to the turbulent times and (tyrant) caliphs… And he is Imam MHMD al-Hujjah, with titles of al-Mahdi, al-Qaem, al-Muntazar, al-Khalaf, al-Saleh, Saheb al-Zamaan and the most famous one is al-Mahdi. Authentic traditions state that he will reappear in the last age.’ (Al-At’haaf be Hubb al-Ashraaf pages 179-180)

Ibne Emaad al-Dimishqi al-Hanbali (exp. 1089 AH)

Regarding the events of 260 AH he records: ‘In it, Al-Hasan Ibne Ali Ibne Mohammed al-Jawad Ibne Ali al-Reza Ibne Musa al-Kazim Ibne Jafar al-Sadiq al-Alawi al-Husaini (as) – he is one of the 12 Imams. The Rafidhis believe him to be infallible. He is the father of al-Muntazar, the owner of the cellar.’ (Al-Shazaraat al-Zahab fi Akhbaar min al-Zahab volume 3, page 265)

Mohammed Ibne Abd al-Rasool al-Barzanji al-Shafaei (exp. 1103 AH)

He acknowledges the son of Imam Hasan Askari (as) by the name of M-H-M-D. (Al-Ishaa’ah le Ashraat al-Saa’ah page 149)

Abul Barakaat Noman Ibne Mahmood al-Aaloosi al-Hanafi (exp. 1317 AH)

‘It is accepted by the Imamiyyah that Mahdi is M-H-M-D Ibne al-Hasan al-Askari Ibne Ali al-Hadi…and he is known as al-Hujjah, al-Muntazar, al-Qaem…’ (Ghaaliyah al-Waaiz volume 1, page 78)

Note: In many of the above narrations, the actual name of Imam Mahdi (as) has been mentioned. But since it is prohibited by our Aimmah (as) From naming him during occultation, we have replaced it with M-H-M-D.

For more details on the birth of Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as), readers can refer to the following articles –

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