Ziyarat Salamullahe Kamelut Taam…

Shaykh Abbas Qummi has brought his ziyarat in Mafatihul Jinan, page 215 (Urdu edition) from the book Kalematut Tayyab. Sayyed Ibne Tawoos has brought this ziyarat in his book Kashful Hujjah, page 194 in which he advises his son to recite this ziyarat. Hazrat Ayatollah Mirza Mohammed Faqeeh has reported this ziyarat in his book, Fauze’ Akbar, page 59-60.

The method of this ziyarat is as follows – recite two units of prayers in which any surah can be recited in both units after Surah Hamd. However it is recommended to recite Surah Fatah after Surah Hamd in the first units and Surah Nasr after Surah Hamd in the second unit. After completing the prayer, the believer should stand under the open sky, raise his hands and recite this ziyarat, which is also called as Ziyarate’ Isteghasah (ziyarat for seeking desires).

Many believers have found the recitation of this ziyarat helpful in times of difficulty, especially for the sake of rizq (sustenance).

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