Similarities with Prophets – Imam Mahdi (as) and Hazrat Asif

Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as) bears the special characteristics and more from the previous prophets. He is the embodiment of their virtues and qualities. He carries their signs and is the inheritor of all that they stood for and what was revealed upon them. The following article mentions the similarity between Hazrat Asif (as) and Imam Mahdi (as).

Janabe Asif was having a part of knowledge of the Book. Imam Mahdi (as) is having knowledges of the Book.

Asif was such that the Almighty Allah made him disappear from his people for a long period of time as mentioned in Kamaluddin. The Almighty Allah also caused Imam Mahdi (as) to go into occultation for a long time.

Due to the occultation of Janabe Asif, the people of Bani Israel fell into severe hardships and calamities. Qaim (as) is also such that during his occultation, the believers would have to face untold hardships and problems.

(The above article was taken and adapted from the book Mikyalul Makarim Fee Fawaedid Dua Lil Qaem)

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