Our Duties – Grief of a Believer Due to Imam Mahdi’s (as) Separation

One of the duties of a believer is to be sorrowful in the separation of Imam (as). It is a sign of one’s attachment to Imam (as).

In the poetic collection of Imam (as) the following couplets are mentioned on the subject of ‘true friendship’:

One of its signs is that it makes one seem like a sick person due to the eagerness to meet his beloved.
One of its signs is that he is much attached to his beloved that he dreads anything that will make him busy (in other things).
One of its proof is that he laughs among the people in such a way that his heart is full of grief in like a mother who has lost her grown up son.

This is one of the signs of the believers. In fact it is one of the most praiseworthy quality and numerous traditions emphasize its significance.

A distinguishing quality of a Shiah is that he is aggrieved by the grief of the Imams (as). One must acknowledge that the occultation of the Imam is greatest cause of sorrow for the Holy Imam (as). One should be conscious of his loneliness in Ghaybat, his separation from his friends and also the fact that he observes the difficulties which the Imams (as) faced as if he were present there. Hen a believer is conscious of this, he feels sorrowful and tries to share the grief of the Imam (as). Allah rewards him for this grief as these traditions will show.

Imam Sadiq (as) said, One who sighs in sorrow regarding us and is aggrieved for oppression on us, this act of his is like glorification of Allah, and to be sad with regard to us is like worship and maintaining our secrets is like Jihad in the way of God. (Al Kafi volume 2 page 226 tradition no. 16)

Shaykh Kulaini says, Mohammed bin Saeed a narrator of this report says, The Imam said: Write down this tradition in gold, I have not written anything better than this.

One can also look at this duty with the perspective that a believer shares this right upon another that he is regarding the right of one believer on another. That it is necessary to feel sorrowful on the grief of a believer. This is applicable to Imam Mahdi (as) more because he is more deserving of it as he has precedence over all in the matter of faith. Which means that Imam Mahdi (as) enjoys this right upon us that we be aggrieved at his separation and hare his sadness.

Imam Reza (as) said, How devastated would be the believing women and men when the Imam will be hidden from them. (Kamaluddin)

It is narrated from Masmah Kurdeen from Imam Sadiq (a.s.) that he said, Indeed, one whose heart is pained for us, when he sees us at the time of his death, he would become very happy in such a way that, that happiness will continue till he meets us besides the Pond of Kauthar. Indeed Kauthar will be pleased on seeing our friend so much that it would make him taste different types of foods so that he may not like to leave its side.

O Masmah, one who takes a drink from it, will never ever feel thirsty again and he would never feel sorrowful. The water of Kauthar is laced with camphor and smells of musk and tastes like Zanjabeel. It is sweeter than honey and finer than butter and more fragrant than amber.

It has come out from Tasneem (a high spring in Paradise) and passes on the streams of Paradise. Its bottom is strewn with gems and rubies. There are goblets on it that number more than the stars of the heavens. Its fragrance can be discerned from a distance of more than a thousand years’ travel. The cups on it are made of gold, silver and different gems. Its fragrance will glow from those who drink it.

Till a person who has drunk from it will say, Alas, if we could stay only here! I would not ask for anything else and not move from here. Indeed You, O Kurdeen, will be of those who will drink from it. And no eye wept for us but that it was rewarded by seeing the Kauthar and did not drink from it with our friends. Indeed the fact is that whosoever will drink from it will get a special taste and joy more than who has less love for us… (Beharul Anwar volume 8 page 22 chapter 20 tradition no. 17)

The sentences of Dua Nudbah are an excellent source to understand the pain due to separation from the Imam (as). It is highly recommended to recite this dua from Imam Sadiq (as) on every occasion of Eid, including Fridays. Nudbah literally means ‘to cry’. The day of Friday is the day of Imam Mahdi (as). On this day, the lovers of Imam Mahdi (as) call out to their master through the words of this dua. The sentences of this dua are heart rendering and this can only experienced by its recitation.

Pay attention to the sentences of this Dua – “Where is the Imam who grants respect to his friends and debases his enemies!” Sometimes, the person remembers Imam (as) and sheds tears saying, “It is intolerable for me that I see the people but I cannot see you. It is intolerable that I cry for you while all others forsake you. O the son of Ahmad! Is there a way through which you may be met?

The Dua creates such a spirit of sincerity and love that he begins to converse with the Imam (as) – “O Imam! I talk to and receive a reply from all persons, but do not hear a sigh of breath nor any whispering from you. O Master! Where should I look and search for you?” Truly, such a conversation lightens the heart and gives him peace. But the thirst for meeting Imam (as) remains in his heart.

Finally, he humbly prays to Allah for the early reappearance of Imam Mahdi (as). He seeks the help of Allah in fulfilling the rights of the Ahle Bayt (as), in serving them (as), in obeying their (as) orders and for being worthy to be mentioned in their (as) prayers. He also puts forth his desire to be included amongst the servants and helpers of Ahle Bayt (as).

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