Our Duties – Ziyarat of Holy Prophet and Imams (as) on Behalf of Imam Mahdi (as)

This is also a highly recommended action and it is established in several ways, including accepting that giving Sadaqah on Imam’s (as) behalf is Mustahab (recommended) and also performing Hajj or Tawaf on his behalf is Mustahab.

The following tradition clearly establishes that performing Ziyarat on behalf of believing brothers and sisters is highly recommended. Imam Kazim (as) said, thus when you approach the tomb of the Holy Prophet (sawa) you must do that which is necessary for you. Perform two rakats of prayer, then recite at the head of the Holy Prophet (sawa): Peace be on you, O Prophet of Allah from my father and mother and wife and children and all my relatives and on behalf of all the townsmen, free and enslaved, and white and black. Thus if you like you can say to anyone: I have saluted the Messenger of Allah (sawa) on your behalf, and you will be right in saying so. (Furu Al-Kafi volume 4 page 314)

The prevalence of this practice among the scholars and common people of the Shiahs is to such an extent that scholars have written in detail about the reward of all this in their books of Ziyarat.

Traditions that mention that it is recommended to do Hajj and Tawaf on behalf of believers (alive or dead) also apply to Ziyarat. Since it is mentioned that if we do Ziyarat on behalf of other Shias it is a meritorious deed, it also implies that we can do Ziyarat of the Holy Imam (as) on behalf of the Imam (as) and it will be more meritorious of all.

The traditions of Allamah Majlisi in Beharul Anwar also proves our point: Imam Hasan al-Askari (as) sent a Zaer (visitor) for the Ziyarat of Imam Husain (as) and said, One of the places where Allah likes supplication and where He accepts supplication is the Haa-e-re-Husain (shrine of Imam Husain (as)). (Beharul Anwar volume 102 page 257)

Among those scholars who have clarified and explained that it is recommended to perform Ziyarat of tombs of the Holy Prophet (sawa) and the Holy Imams (as) on behalf of Masoomeen and Momineen, is Muhaddith Amili who has devoted a chapter in Wasailush Shiah: Chapter of recommendation of Ziyarat on behalf of Momineen and Masoomeen. (Wasailush Shiah page 10 page 464 chapter 103 tradition no. 1)

Dawood Surmi said to Imam Hasan Askari (as), I performed the Ziyarat of your father and dedicated it to you. He replied: For that you shall get a great reward from the Almighty Allah and we are thankful to you.

To Send a Pilgrim for Ziarat on Behalf of Imam Mahdi (as)

It is Mustahab (recommended) to send a pilgrim on behalf of Imam Mahdi (as). It is a highly rewarding act because it helps in goodness and piety and it is a gesture of love for the family of the Prophet (sawa). It is a goodwill gesture to Imam Mahdi (as). All the arguments that prove the recommended nature of sending a person to perform Hajj and Tawaf on Imam’s (as) behalf or for him are applicable here as well.

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