Our Duties – To Be Present in Assemblies Where Merits of Imam Mahdi (as) Are Discussed

Another important duty of a believer is to participate in gatherings especially those associated with Imam Mahdi (as) or where people discuss matters connected to him (as). In addition of being a necessary sign of love it is also the implication of Allah’s words, “March towards good deeds”. (Holy Quran chapter 2 verse 148)

A tradition of Imam Reza (as) also confirms this, One who sits an assembly where our affair is being enlivened (our merits are discussed), his heart will not die on the day the hearts of people die (Qiyamat). (Beharul Anwar)

In support of this point is the statement of Imam Sadiq (a.s.) to Fuzail in a tradition mentioned in Beharul Anwar that he asked, Do you gather and narrate traditions? Fuzail replied: Yes, may I be sacrificed on you.

Imam Sadiq (a.s.) said: Indeed, I like those gatherings, so revive our Wilayat. O Fuzail, may the Almighty Allah have mercy on one who enlivens our matter (revives our Wilayat). (Beharul Anwar)

Allah is so merciful that He rewards a person just for being present in such gatherings. Pay attention to this tradition.

Holy Prophet (sawa) said, Enter the gardens of Paradise. He was asked: O Messenger of Allah (sawa), what are the gardens of Paradise? He replied, Gatherings of Zikr (remembrance, reminders).

An Imam (as) said, Indeed the Almighty Allah forgives (the sins of) those who participate in the gatherings of Allah’s remembrance and makes him secure from that which he fears. Then angels say, O Lord, though he was present there he didn’t remember You? Allah says: I have forgiven him due to his participation in that gathering because those who remember the truth are such that anyone who sat with them could not be unfortunate. (Oddatud Daai page 238 tradition no. 17; Mustadrakul Wasail volume 1 page 400 tradition no. 2)

In addition to this, presence in a gathering helps in increase in numbers and according to terminology it is called ‘increasing the blackness of the army’. Such a thing is considered good if the gathering is of righteous people and it is liked by the Almighty Allah and the Holy Imams (as).

However, if it is to increase the strength of the opponents, it is disliked by the Almighty Allah and Imams (as).

This is illustrated by an incident narrated by Qadi Abdur Rahman that he asked a blind old man the cause of his blindness and he said: I was present in the battle of Karbala but I did not take part in fighting. After some days I saw a terrible looking man in my dream who said to me, The Messenger of Allah (sawa) wants to see you. I said, I can’t dare to see him. He took me by force and we came to where the Messenger of Allah (sawa) was present. He was very much aggrieved. He was holding a weapon and behind him was a leather sheet on which people are guillotined. An angel stood with a sword of fire and he was executing them and throwing fire on them, burning them. Then they would become alive again and be killed in the same way, over and over again.

I pleaded, Peace be on you, O Messenger of Allah (sawa), by Allah, neither I used a sword, nor threw a spear or shot an arrow.

The Holy Prophet (sawa) said, Did you not increase the blackness of the army? Then he handed me over to a guard and from a bowl he applied blood to my eyes. When I woke up, I had become blind. (Beharul Anwar volume 45)

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