Meeting Imam Mahdi (as) – Ziyarat Waretha and the Lamentation of Imam Mahdi (as)

Janab Maynou narrates – I visited Karbala several times for Ziyarat. On one such visit, I decided to first pray at the place of the blessed head of Imam Husain (as) – the place where duas are accepted very swiftly – for the opportunity to meet Imam Mahdi (as). I intended that I would recite the Ziyarat will full attention after seeking this dua.I reached the Euphrates and after having a bath and washing my clothes, I left for the shrine of Imam Husain (as). Along the way, I kept thinking about the supplication for the opportunity to meet Imam Mahdi (as). At last, I reached the shrine of Imam Husain (as). In my heart I hoped that I would not be disturbed by some uneducated Arabs who would come over and request to recite the Ziyarat in a loud voice so that they could listen and take benefit from it.

I made an intention that after reciting the Izne Dukhool (prayer for seeking permission to enter the shrine), I would recite Ziyarat Jameah. I barely had stood for the Izne Dukhool when an Arab came over and stood by my side and said, Mister! Can you please recite Ziyarat loudly so that I may recite it along with you?

I was a bit annoyed by this request because I wanted to recite Ziyarat in solitude. I thought to myself that since this person is a visitor of Imam Husain (as), I would recite a short Izne Dukhool for him and then I would recite a comprehensive Ziyarat. Thus I recited Izne Dukhool and after entering the shrine, I faced the blessed grave of Imam Husain (as), then turned to the Arab and said, which Ziyarat would you like me to recite for you? He said, Ziyarat Waretha.

I started the recitation of the Ziyarat. I had barely completed the first sentence of the Ziyarat – Assalamo Alaika Ya Waretha Adama Safwatillah – that this Arab started weeping profusely. As I recited the Ziyarat, the intensity of his lamentation kept on increasing in such a manner that when I reached the sentence – Assalamo Alaika Ya Tharallahe Wabna Thaarehi – he was weeping so much that I too was affected by it. I also started weeping severely such that I was unable to continue the recitation of the Ziyarat.

I recited the Ziyarat one sentence at a time, following each sentence with severe lamentation. I thought to myself that I had not wanted to be disturbed, however the presence of this Arab had cast a strange feeling over me. While reciting the Ziyarat, I witnessed some lights which had engulfed the shrine in their brightness. However, at that time, I dismissed the thought thinking that perhaps the tears in my eyes were playing tricks with my vision.

Finally, with a lot of difficulty, I was able to complete the Ziyarat and then the Arab and I moved towards the zarih of Imam Husain (as). We moved to the side of the zarih to recite the namaz of Ziyarat. After completing my namaz, I turned towards my partner in order to remind him of a prayer which should be recited after this namaz. However, when I turned, I saw that he was not there. I thought that perhaps he had gone to perform a Tawaaf (circumambulation) of the zarih. I got up from my place and performed a Tawaaf while looking for him. I could not see him and in that effort completed another Tawaaf of the zarih. But I was unable to find him.

This surprised me – how is it that he was with me just a few moments ago, but now he seemed to have disappeared. Anyway, in his search, I even stepped outside the shrine, but could not find him. I was anxious and came to the caretaker of the shoes of the pilgrims and said to him, just a short while ago, an Arab entered the shrine along with me. Have you seen him? He replied, actually, I did not see any person accompanying you.

At that time it struck me that the Arab was none other than the Imam I was seeking, my beloved Imam Mahdi (as).

As soon as this thought came into my mind, I was dumbfounded. My mind did not know how to respond to the situation and it was as if an extraordinary feeling had overcome me. I began thinking of where I should search for him. I entered the shrine again so that I may search for him inside, but I could not find any trace of him. I anxiously looked for him everywhere but I was unable to find him. I sat next to the zarih and wept profusely praying that I would get an opportunity again to meet him. I was saying, O Master! I did not want to meet you in this way. Rather I desired that I should meet you in the condition that I would recognise you. O my Master! I will not leave the shrine till such time that I get the chance to meet you once again. Hardly these words had left my lips that a hand appeared and caught my finger which was raised towards the heavens. A voice was heard saying, “As Alokad Dua(I seek your prayers)

On hearing this voice, I turned in its direction, but I could not see any person. However these words which were from the lips of my master were like a cool balm for my burning heart. I thought to myself that I was unworthy of meeting my master more than this.

Ref: Mulaqaat Ba Imame’ Asr (as), page 324

Lessons from this incident

There are many lessons which can be derived from this incident. Some of these are as follows,

This incident draws our attention to the point that the shrines of Imams (as), especially that of Imam Husain (as) are amongst those places where one can get an opportunity to meet with Imam Mahdi (as).

The grief of Imam Mahdi (as) for his grandfather Imam Husain (as) is severe. He too is awaiting the time when he will be granted permission to reappear and to take the revenge of Imam Husain (as).

When a person knocks at the door of Allah with sincere intention and when the prayer of a person is from the heart, the doors of acceptance are opened swiftly for him.

The sentence of Imam (as) – As Alokad Dua – I seek your prayers is in reality the request from the Imam to pray more for his reappearance. Therefore during the time of Ziyarat of Imams (as), especially the Ziyarat of Hazrat Imam Husain (as), one must not forsake this dua. May Allah grant us the opportunity to perform the Ziyarat of Imam Husain (as) along with Hazrat Imam Mahdi (as). Ameen!

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