Holy Quran, Chapter 37 Verse 83

وَإِنَّ مِن شِيعَتِهِ لَإِبْرَاهِيمَ

“Verily, of his Shia was Ibrahim”

Explaining the above verse, Imam Sadiq (as) said, When Allah created Ibrahim (as), He uncovered Ibrahim’s eyes. Ibrahim (as) saw a light next to the Throne.

Ibrahim (as) asked, O my Lord! What is this light?

He was told, This is the light of the chosen one from My creation, Mohammed (sawa).

Then Ibrahim (as) saw another light next to that light, so he asked, O my Lord! What is this (other) light?

He was told, This is the light of Ali bin Abi Talib (as), the supporter of My religion.

Then Ibrahim (as) saw three other lights next to those (two) lights, so he asked, O my Lord! What are these lights?

He was told, These are the lights of Fatemah (sa) and her two sons, Hasan (as) and Husain (as), and I have weaned those who love her from Hell.

Ibrahim (as) said, O my Lord! I see nine other lights surrounding them.

He was told, “O Ibrahim! These are the lights of the Imams from the children of Ali (as) and Fatemah (sa).

Ibrahim (as) said, O My Lord! I ask you through the right of these five to teach me who these nine (Imams) are.

(Allah) said, The first one is Ali bin Husain; then his son, Mohammed (as); then his son, Jafar (as); then his son, Musa (as); then his son, Ali (as); then his son, Mohammed (as); then his son, Ali (as); then his son, Hasan (as); and then his son, the Qaem, the Decisive Proof (as).

Ibrahim (as) said, O my Lord! I see (many) other lights that cannot be counted except by You. Who are surrounding these lights?

He was told, O Ibrahim! They are the Shia of the Commander of the Believers, Ali bin Abi Talib (as).

Ibrahim (as)said, O my Lord! What are Shia known for?

(Allah) replied, (They are known for) praying fifty one Rak’ats a day, reciting Bismillahir Rahman Nir Rahim loudly, performing Qunoot before going to Ruku, and wearing a ring on their right hand.

Then Ibrahim (as) said, O Allah! Make me among the Shia of the Commander of the Believers (as).

Therefore, Allah mentions in the Qur’an, “Verily, of his Shia was Ibrahim” (Kashf Al Bayan).

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